'Know Thyself'

The famous words above, vocalised by Socrates and inscribed at the Temple of Apollo in Ancient Greek times, are as relevant now as they were then.And yet, we rarely make the time or effort to actively explore our 'self', to truly understand who we are, what it means to be human, and find our rightful place in the world.The coaching offers below provide a variety of playful and experimental ways to begin your journey of 'self' exploration, whilst concurrently growing your human-centric mindset.

Map Your Fundamental Self

We are all unique.And yet, we also share the same fundamental elements that make us human.What makes you and I different, is how those elements show up in the world and interact with one another.Creating a map will enable you to better understand your fundamental self by visualising the relational dynamics between elements, determine if any are dominating or have unmet needs, and identifying the wholistic connections.

Explore Your Human Qualities

We all share a set of universal qualities that make up part of our human being -
how we perceive and use them is what informs who we are individually.
This card deck is specifically designed to help us discover, understand and connect with these diverse qualities and in doing so, enable us to understand how they may be helping or hindering.The deck can be used as part of coaching sessions between us, or utilised for coaching yourself and your own coachees via a subscription to the deckhive platform (click the button below for more info).

Reveal The Bigger Picture

We humans are complex beings living in equally complex systems and the perceptions we have of our self and the reality we find ourselves in is often limited.Systemic coaching is a powerful approach which visually brings that complexity to life, enabling new perspectives be gained and broadening our understanding of our self and our connection to fellow humans.

Ready To Uncover Who You Are?

Get in touch and let's arrange to chat over a hot drink to see if we might develop a partnership that flourishes.